Emotional Revolution

Where are we? not geographically, not temporarily, but in the stages of the human society that will push us out of the mess we put ourself in.

Art was a way for us to awe and transfer information that words cant make sense of (imagine Michelangelo trying to define his inventions with words, even Ikea draws the steps you need to follow so it's understandable).

Technology came later on to make all those ideas a reality, transform the matter into shapes to create system that allow us to produce more whilst doing less, remember we are old, lazy humans, we dominated survival long time ago..

And now what? well the mind is expressed, the tools are put together, we have plenty of everything even garbage, but the issue comes from our behaviours, our habits, our cravings, our addictions, in one word: ourselves.

And like everything in the universe is ever changing, it's a good sign we can learn to reverse the tendency to avoid our excesses to the end of humanity. Of course that in itself is futile, but what survival used to be (having a steak once in a while, and a mate), versus what it is now are two different things. As our chances of survival evolve in difficulty, we need to plan for the long term.

But lately, is it what we're doing? The people in charge are still behaving like brats and rehashing personal grievances that dictates the outcome of a country, millions of lives, that are merely trying to stay afloat in the storm of life.

We blame, we point fingers, we discriminate because of our own hurts and traumas while still boasting and bragging about our oh so little achievements thinking it would save our pathetic soul (you know the thing we can't define or witness).

At least feelings are being witnessed every day, you see your sad face in the mirror in the morning, you see angry colleagues, bitter politicians, arrogant celebrities, but also kind labourers, generous managers, excitement in your kid's eyes when you take them for an ice-cream..

So the point is, how do we maximise the good feelings in general and reduce the bad emotions that drain us of our love? How do we reduce the systemic controls that only a few benefit from financially to relieve us all, psychologically, emotionally, which would increase general satisfaction and productivity?

Can we reconciliate capitalist el dorado's, growth, and universal need for peace of mind?

I would certainly hope so, but how? where do we start?
It's not going to be easy, but one bite at a time, you can chew on your feelings, processing them to understand why they arise, and find out where the inconsistency lies. Reassembling those memories and feelings in a rational way is how you move on. Gestalt therapy helps refocusing on the elements that create a sum bigger than its parts, whilst Stoicism keeps our feelings detached, only then you can increase the accuracy of your  perception of each situation.

CaPitalism has created the mean to define our target and reach it, but CaRitalism should help us define better goals, more sustainable than never ending growth..

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